Sunday, July 20, 2008

What Makes a Good Presenter and Power Point Presentation

You have watched all the videos on presentation skills. Now, you will have to summarize again on:

1. What makes a good presenter (minimum 10 criteria)
2. What makes a good power point presentation (minimum 10 criteria)

Please write in YOUR OWN BLOG. This one will be counted as an entry.


izharsamien said...

The good presenter is the person that can make the audiences enjoy and keep focusing on his presentation.The presenter that use clear explanation with simple words.The good power point presentation have the slides with less words but more pictures.

MTA said...

where is the video???

syukri said...

did u mean the videos that we watch last sem..

Hamizan.. said...

thank you for my lecture...presentation very important to sent information for people..if presentation bad so not connection information between our and listen..I not good became a good presenter at last week,present about compare and contras now and then the Radio..So I should take notes and skill to became a good presenter..I hope Miss always and training me became a good presenter..Thank you Miss Farah...